阿曼解除鮑魚作業禁令阿曼農漁資源部在針對阿曼水域歷經3年復育鮑魚資源有成的評估報告出爐後,除了解除已實施3年的鮑魚作業禁令與自2011年10月20日至11月15日開放鮑魚作業,並酒店打工落實每年僅能在軟體動物完全成熟的11、12月作業等相關管理規定。被亞洲市場視為鮑中極品的阿曼「sufailah」鮑魚因深受香港人青睞,需求十分龐大。價格懸殊的乾鮑依尺寸每公斤價土地買賣格竟高達800-1,200美元。始於70年代的鮑魚作業,產量於2003年達到顛峰,產值創下840萬美元。該部已採行日本養殖技術進行鮑魚養殖相關研究工作。(摘譯於INFOFISH Trade News, 澎湖民宿No. 18/2011,3 October 2011)GOVERNMENT LIFTS BAN ON ABALONE FISHINGThe Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Wealth has lifted the three year ban on abalone 保濕面膜fishing andopened a new harvesting season from October 20 to November 15, 2011. Based on the stockassessment in Omani waters, the three year ban has given a chance 買屋to the abalone stocks to recover.Omani abalones locally known as sufailah are considered to be as one of the best in the Asian market,particularly in Hong Kong 房地產where there is a huge demand for it. The price varies and could reach aboutUS$800-1200 per kilo for dried abalone depending on its size. Abalone fishing began in 室內設計the 70s. Sofar, the highest production was in 2003, valued then at US$8.4 million. Despite the ban being lifted,fishing of abalone will be regulated and will be 褐藻醣膠permitted only during the two months of the year(November and December) when the mollusk is thought to be fully grown. The Ministry has alreadyundertaken research 節能燈具work on the cultivation of abalone using Japanese technology.

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花蓮民宿 YAHOO!


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